Using database partition groups and tablespaces, a user can determine across which and how many database partitions their table data is to be spread. 用户可以通过使用数据库分区组和表空间,来确定将表数据分布到哪些数据库分区上。
IBMDEFAULTGROUP-default database partition group for the tablespaces containing the user tables. IBMDEFAULTGROUP-用于包含用户表的表空间的默认数据库分区组。
A further refinement of a partition is the mapping of a set of nodes within a partition to a user for a period of time for work, which is called a 分区的更进一步优化,就是将分区内的一组节点在工作的一段时间内映射到一个用户,这就是一个
One way to think about the WebSphere profile is to consider it as the "user data partition," the equivalent of the user's home directory in UNIX/ Linux operating system environments. 可以认为WebSphere概要文件是“用户数据分区”,等同于UNIX/Linux操作系统环境中用户的主目录。
It also demonstrated how to use Struts to better partition the application, separating the user interface from the business logic. 本文还演示了如何使用Struts来更好地将应用程序分成几个部分,即将用户界面与业务逻辑相分离。
Just as before, there are three ways to generate a database partition map: uniform, weighted through a distribution array ( using distfile), and user specified ( using targetmap). 和从前一样,有三种方法可生成数据库分区映射:平均法,通过分布数组指定权重(使用distfile),以及用户指定(使用targetmap)。
This gives the guests access to the build results partition so they can store their build files for access by the user. 这可以支持客户机访问构建结果分区,从而可以存储构建文件以供用户访问。
To ensure fast recovery of the partition containing system catalog tables, avoid placing user tables on the same database partition. 为了确保包含系统编目表的分区能够快速恢复,应避免将用户表也放在那个数据库分区上。
It also lists utilization statistics of each logical partition, which includes percentage of entitled capacity in different modes ( user, system, idle, and wait). 它还列出了各个逻辑分区的使用率统计信息,包括在不同模式(用户、系统、空闲和等待)中有权使用的容量百分比。
User interaction with a partitioned database occurs through one database partition, known as the coordinator partition for that user. 用户与分区数据库的交互是通过一个数据库分区,即用于那个用户的协调分区创建的。
In DB2 V8.2.2, when using a partitioned database environment, this function will only return the registry setting for the partition that the user is connected to. 在DB2V8.2.2中,当使用分区数据库环境时,该函数将仅仅返回用户所连接分区的注册表设置。
The adoption of partition technique could reduce user waiting time and improve response speed. 采用分片技术可以缩小用户等待时间,提高响应速度。
While the first ones require the users to carefully partition the natural image into three regions, so the user interaction of these natural image matting approaches are considerable complicated. These matting methods are inconvenient for using. 基于三分图的自然图像抠图技术在抠图前需要用户对自然图像进行精细的区域划分,这类抠图技术的人机交互工作非常繁琐,易用性差。